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Athletics Clearance Form & Eligibility

A student may NOT participate if he/she becomes 15 years of age on or before August 31st. 

Students must not exceed six consecutive semesters or have participated more than three seasons in any sport since entering grade 6. 

Be in attendance 85% of the time   (Cannot miss more than 13.5 days in the previous 90 day semester. This includes all absences either excused or unexcused).

All students must also meet local promotion standards, set by the L.E.A. and/or local school. 

Must pass 3/4 Core classes from the previous semester to be academically eligible (Math, ELA, Social Studies, Science).

A student who is not eligible at the beginning of the semester is not eligible at any time during the semester. 

Have NCHSAA Sports Physical examination within the past 365 days

Must have Completed DragonFlyMax Account with NCHSAA Sports Physical uploaded. Here is a Step by Step handout for creating and completing the DragonFlyMax account:

Adhere to the school's rules & policies.

Major infractions of the ECPPS Disciplinary Code of Conduct may result in ineligibility. The Athletic Director will Review each case and make a determination. 

Brandon Powers, Athletic Director 

River Road Middle School